- Pick up the nearest book.
- Open to page 123.
- Find the fifth sentence.
- Post the next three sentences.
- Tag five people, and acknowledge the person who tagged you.
So, I skip the unread ones and from the table I pick up a book I read long back – Milan Kundera’s The Book of laughter and Forgetting. On page 123, after the first 5 lines, I find:
“A novel?” asked Banaka disapprovingly.Now the thing is, I don’t know what is being spoken here, although I claim to have read this book. So, curious, I want to re-read the book (which is good enough since I’m not reading anything these days, not even newspapers).
Bibi corrected herself evasively: “It won’t necessarily be a novel.”
“Just think about what a novel is,” said Banaka.
Coming to the last part of the tag, I realize that I don’t even know five people whom I can tag. So, all of you who read this, consider yourself tagged.
Milan Kundera - the next on my list, now that I've finished Penelopiad and am tiring of reading screwed up love stories, is Kundera's Slowness.
That was an interesting tag though I cldn't make head or tail of it :P
Sorry can't do it again coz it's already done at my place :)
Sentence 5, page 123 from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee:
'Your father's no bette than the niggers and trash he works for!'
I'm not sure who you are imp, but thanks for your comment anyway.
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