Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tagged, again

Plain Jane tagged me to:
  1. Pick up the nearest book.
  2. Open to page 123.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the next three sentences.
  5. Tag five people, and acknowledge the person who tagged you.
Now, there are a few books lying around, unread. And, looking at them gives me a guilty feeling.

So, I skip the unread ones and from the table I pick up a book I read long back – Milan Kundera’s The Book of laughter and Forgetting. On page 123, after the first 5 lines, I find:
“A novel?” asked Banaka disapprovingly.

Bibi corrected herself evasively: “It won’t necessarily be a novel.”

“Just think about what a novel is,” said Banaka.
Now the thing is, I don’t know what is being spoken here, although I claim to have read this book. So, curious, I want to re-read the book (which is good enough since I’m not reading anything these days, not even newspapers).

Coming to the last part of the tag, I realize that I don’t even know five people whom I can tag. So, all of you who read this, consider yourself tagged.


G Shrivastava said...

Milan Kundera - the next on my list, now that I've finished Penelopiad and am tiring of reading screwed up love stories, is Kundera's Slowness.

Meghna said...

That was an interesting tag though I cldn't make head or tail of it :P
Sorry can't do it again coz it's already done at my place :)

Anonymous said...

Sentence 5, page 123 from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee:

'Your father's no bette than the niggers and trash he works for!'

pranabk said...

I'm not sure who you are imp, but thanks for your comment anyway.